Related Activities

Praticing Transnational Politics (PATRAPO)


Practising Transnational Politics (PATRAPO) is a project led by researchers from Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Autonomous University Madrid, and Zagreb University, with the associate partner Mac Ewan University, Edmonton. The project goal is to develop open access transnational teaching kits and a handbook for online blended learning seminars that train students for the participation in United Nations Model Games (MUN). Based on previous experiences both in MUN model games and in EU projects, the partners will jointly develop, establish and implement the following elements in their universities, to be carried out in a yearly rhythm: 

  • a teaching kit for preparative joint blended MUN training seminars (1st semester of each academic year)
  • a teaching kit for joint blended or real life MUN (2nd semester of each academic year)
  • a handbook including a manual (intellectual property of the partners) and user advice for third parties
  • staff trainings: the project is a learning system including further training for teachers
  • blended student mobility sustains the attendance of virtual and life MUN

Jean Monnet Chair


The Jean Monnet Chair project “BridgE” has the aim to help bridging the gap between the European Union and its citizens by enhancing active debates on the EU with a) students and b) citizens that are neither engaged in EU-oriented civil-society organisations, nor in political parties.

Transnational Governance and Human Rights


Students, PhD candidates, and professors from six countries and four continents participate in the project "Transnational Governance and Human Rights". The project will expand the international network of the Department of Social and Cultural Sciences at Fulda University of Applied Sciences and establish long-lasting partnerships until the end of 2024. For this purpose, the department successfully attained a one million euro grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) from its funding programme UAS.International (HAW.International). The project supports a variety of exchange programmes with six selected partner universities worldwide. These include the State University of New York (SUNY) in Cortland, USA, the MacEwan University in Edmonton, Canada, the German Jordanian University in Amman, Jordan, the Birzeit University near Ramallah in Palestine, Sciences Po Toulouse in Southern France, and the University College London (UCL), UK. It also strengthens the cooperation between academia and practice and establishes the “Fulda Centre for Transnational Governance”, which includes the MUN activities at Fulda. In addition to the internationalisation of studies and teaching, the project focuses on the development of an international research environment at Fulda University of Applied Sciences.

Fulda Centre for Transnational Governance


The Fulda Centre for Transnational Governance (CoG) aims at the transfer between academia and political practice, building on the Anglo-Saxon academic tradition and its “Schools of Governance”. The Centre builds cooperations with experts, politicians, and representatives of international and supranational organizations as well as business enterprises, NGOs and Think Tanks – ranging from representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Hessian state representation to the EU, to foreign trade chambers and companies. 

The Fulda Centre for Transnational Governance bundles, systematises and professionalises these international collaborations and organises a programme of events and research, guest lectures and workshops by and with practitioners from transnational institutions. The international guests are integrated in teaching and research. The activities include curricula-relevant excursions (e.g. to Brussels, Luxembourg and Berlin), guest lectures, as well as teaching and research stays (incoming and outgoing).




Lecture series 2021-2022


Theorising the EU's Crisis


The European Union is regarded to be in a severe crisis at least since 2008, when the financial crisis began to hit. This labelling brings about several questions. The first ones concern the concept of crisis as such – crisis is a concept that is often criticised for both being used in inflationary manner and be a catch-all concept. The sole example of the EU underlines this: since the early days of integration, “crisis talk” regularly came up. If we are willing to speak about crises, we can also argue that in recent years the EU has struggled to a series of multiple and near-endless challenges that each have been termed “crises” – regarding the Eurozone, the question of migration, the Brexit vote as well as the Brexit procedure, and most recently the COVID-pandemic. These critical issues were accompanied by and/or have contributed to a questioning of the EU’s legitimacy, its governance structures, and the integration project itself, in order for academia to speak of a crisis of the EU altogether or even a “polycrisis”. These critical issues and the bespoke crises have generated their own literatures.

The debate is ongoing, discussed in further research projects:
Jean Monnet Chair