Interim Conference Helsinki, March 2023

The conference discussed the first findings of the focus groups held in Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Croatia and Slovenia against the state of the art findings in EU studies and political sociology. Expert guests have been Jonathan White, Celine Belot, Andrew Favell and Luis Bouza.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

13.00-17.00 CET Claudia Wiesner, Fulda UAS; Damian Lajh, Meta Novak, University of Slovenia; Niilo Kauppi, Kim Ziliacus, University of Helsinki, Ruzha Smilova, Center for Liberal Strategies (Sofia); Igor Vidacak, University of Helsinki; Willy Beauvallet, University of Lyon


Thursday, March 30, 2023

Online Course On EU Studies

08.00-09.00 CET Marcus Fessler, Inter.research Institute/Fulda UAS


Analysis of Focusgroups

09.00-11.00 CET Claudia Wiesner, Fulda UAS; Damian Lajh, Meta Novak, University of Slovenia; Niilo Kauppi, Kim Ziliacus, University of Helsinki, Ruzha Smilova, Center for Liberal Strategies (Sofia); Igor Vidacak, University of Helsinki; Willy Beauvallet, University of Lyon


Scientific Board Meeting

13.00-14.30 CET Celine Belot, Sciences-Po Grenoble; Jonathan White, London School of Economics; Andrew Favell, University of Leeds; Luis Bouza, Autonomous University of Madrid


Analysis of Focusgroups

15.00-17.30 CET Claudia Wiesner, Fulda UAS; Damian Lajh, Meta Novak, University of Slovenia; Niilo Kauppi, Kim Ziliacus, University of Helsinki, Ruzha Smilova, Center for Liberal Strategies (Sofia); Igor Vidacak, University of Helsinki; Willy Beauvallet, University of Lyon

Public Event: Citizens, Democracy and the European Union

Friday, March 31, 2023

08.00-10.00 CET Thinkcorner, University of Helsinki


Panelists: Ana Björk, Demos, Heidi Hautala, MEP and vice-president of the EP, Johanna Kantola, University of Helsinki; Niko Pyrhönen, University of Helsinki; Claudia Wiesner, Fulda UAS; Chair: Niilo Kauppi, University of Helsinki


Democracy is the most important social innovation ever. Citizens are the cornerstone of any working democratic system. But to work properly democracy requires knowledge and interest in societal issues, active citizens who not only vote but are also ready to challenge political leaders.

While EU integration is a unique process in world history, many seem to be estranged from it and uninterested in what is happening in Brussels and other European capitals.

The panel is chaired by Niilo Kauppi, research director at the University of Helsinki and member of the DebatEU network. Panelists include Anna Björk from Demos, MEP and vice-president of the European Parliament Heidi Hautala, Professor Johanna Kantola from the University of Helsinki, University Researcher Niko Pyrhönen from the University of Helsinki and Professor Claudia Wiesner from Fulda University of Applied Sciences and PI of the DebatEU Network.